Delhi Slums & Resettlement Colonies Project

Project Name: Empowerment and alternative livelihoods for most vulnerable through people’s participation and local action

This report covers mainly the activities and its impacts of the targeted community during the period April 2019 to March 2020.

To achieve the project goal, the project team has been focusing more on community mobilization, formation and strengthening of CBOs and linking them with various service providers through advocacy and network. These CBOs have been trained by the project on building relationships with various private and public service providers in their respective area; and also to become more responsible and vigilant leaders in their communities.  Using various platforms such as Children Development Centers, Livelihood and Advocacy Programs, etc., the project team with the help of these CBOs could reach out and help more than 4774 households (direct and indirect) during this reporting period. Advocacy and filling RTI initiatives through awareness meetings, visit and collecting information on government entitlements from various government offices and centers have helped the project team to apply for various schemes and follow up which directly reach 1006 households and bring out Identity Cards (Aadhar Cards, Labor Cards, Voter ID, Birth Certificate, PAN Card, Caste Certificate etc.) for about 539 people which helped the communities to avail various government schemes that are meant for them.

In association with Nazdeek Organization, the project conducted community watchdog over improper system in the community through SMS for Justice. The team and the community did a mobile SMS campaign and complained to the government concerned department. During reporting period, 9 meeting were conducted with Nazdeek regarding govt. schemes and registration of complaints by online. There were around 227 community women who had participated in this awareness meeting and it was found four women started sending their complaints to government portal.


1. Children Development Centre (CDC), Usmanpur

During reporting period, a total of 228 children have been enrolled in Usmanpur CDC; but around 164 children dropped out and only 64 (sixty four) children are regularly attending the classes daily in two shifts. The dropout rate is very high in Usmanpur due to the reasons like shifting families to other locations or going back to their own villages or even some children are helping their parents in their work places. Out of sixty four regular children, 44 are boys and girls 19. They are in the age group of between 4-15 years old. The team conducted thirty four PTMs in the whole year in which 163 members participated in the PTM in the whole year. They gave suggestion and feedbacks and discuss the challenges, suggestion to improve their wards and the center etc.

Project Team also has a Monthly Planning to make home visits regularly to ensure regular attendance and relationship building with parents. Team could identify twenty-seven children who were not attending regular schooling and helped them to get admitted in Private and Govt. Schools in New Usmanpur. Those of the admitted are, ten children in 5th class at Gautampuri school, two children in Nursery,  eight children in class 1; five children 3rd class; and two children in 4th class. Besides this, team also conducted Monthly Assessment to determine the student learning outcomes. In this, the children are divided into four groups (A1, A2, B, and C) according to their learning and knowledge.

Group A1:  These are small children not attending any schools at all. They are taught how to hold pencils, how to trace the lines etc. In the six month times they are to write and trace small and capital letters of English alphabets (A to Z), learn names of animals, name of the days, name of parts of body Name, etc..

Group A2: These are school going children between class 1st – 3rd.  They are to learn English and Hindi Alphabets, 2-3 letter words combination, and in Mathematics they are to learn the numerical 1-100, simple additions, subtraction and multiplications. 

 Group B: This category consists of students from 3rd – 5th class. They are expected to learn complete basics of English, Hindi and Maths. In Hindi more focus on Matras, in English small and capital letters alphabets, vowels “A.E.I.O.U.” sounds, and dictations and testing of knowledge every week. In Maths, they are taught multiplication table 2-10, additions, subtraction and multiplications. 

Group C: It includes children between classes 5th -7th. In Hindi, they are to learn “Prayavachi shubdh” “ling badlo” “Vilom shubdh” “mera parichya” essays and application writing; and hard word dictations; and noun pronouns in English. In Mathematics, they are to learn fraction, lowest common factors LCM, divisibility, multiplications and multiplication table 2-15. In English, the students have to learn the basics of grammar; animals name, colors name, day’s name, and month’s names. In Hindi, Aa ki matra ( Aa- Auo) ,Sankhya, falon ka naam, dino ka naam, mahinyo ka naam, and the basics of Math sums, multiplication, division, L.C.M and fractions. 




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