Core Values & Working Principles

We are committed to achieving our core values and principles in all our works

We are committed to What do we mean by it? How we will do it?
Constitution of India We believe that the constitution of India is the guiding principle and supreme authority in protecting the rights and interest of the Tribals and other marginalized communities in India We will use the provisions of the Indian constitution to influence policies in favor of the Tribals and others and also to educate the Tribals and other marginalized communities to demand for their rights and privileges enshrined in the constitution.
Tribals and marginalized people groups We are committed in our Vision and Mission to work and impact the lives and living condition of Tribals and other marginalized communities in the country by continued support to the struggle of each indigenous people groups spread across the country. We will not stretch ourselves too thinly and strain our limited resources to respond to the various needs of different indigenous people groups in the country. Rather we will form networks and alliances with like - minded organizations & people to maximize our influence as well as presence. We will respond to each situation that demand our intervention and provide people every possible support and appropriate action plans after properly assessing the situation and problem.
Integrity We are committed to the all-round development of the Tribals and other marginalized communities in India which will be reflected in our holistic planning and working approach and strategy. We will up hold our commitment and integrity and will not compromise on the interest of the people we work with or for. Neither money nor power will change our commitment to the cause of the marginalized people.
Community participation We believe that each community have their social institutions which cannot be substituted by other organizations because of the social and cultural identity of the people ingrained in it and such institution are uniquely placed to effectively influence the social, economic, cultural and political life of the community. We will in no way work to substitute CBOs by formal organizations. Rather, we will work towards reviving and strengthening them in order to enhance their effectiveness and cultural relevance to the community life of the changing times and taste.
Excellence In all our wok, we seek excellence that is reflected in the quality of personnel and in the effective and efficient use of available resources and technology in our programs In all situations, we will design our programs and based our work on true information & facts gathered in the professional and respectable manner which is loved, acceptable, admired and respected and praised by all stakeholders.
Accountability We are committed to pursue the highest ethical standards to ensure that we play good stewards to all the resources we are entrusted. We will do things properly and in the right way. We will not adopt any wrongful or short cut method to achieve our goals. We will be happy to sit and wait rather than adopt any unfair means even if it will help us fulfill our goals.
Partnerships We are committed to partnership with the state & Centre Govt. and Govt. agencies, likeminded organizations and individuals for joint programs, follow up, leadership, multiplication/expansion. SPTWD will work towards building partnership, forging alliance and exchange and sharing of ideas, experiences and knowledge and expertise with other organizations and individuals for maximum impact.
Respect We are committed to the dignity of all stakeholders such as individual beneficiaries, employees, donors, supporters and partners. Truth, mutual trust, respect and love for the work that we do and the people are the hall marks of our relationship with our various stakeholders.
Innovation We are committed to a collaborative spirit characterized by creativity, appropriate and innovative technologies, and openness to risk, aggressive expansion, proactive attitude and application of indigenous knowledge and know how to address the problems and needs of the people we work with and we work for. We believe in continual innovation of our working approach and method, systems and management functions to keep pace with the changing needs of the people and requirements of the changing time.




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