The Society for Promotion of Tribal Welfare and Development (SPTWD) was founded in 2003 by a group of professionals from different walks of life. It got formally register in Delhi on 21st May 2004 under Societies Registration Act (XXI) of 1860 No.S-49246. It is also registered under 12AA and 80G (5) (VI) of the Income Tax Act of 1961 for exemption and FCRA Act of 2010 with Registration No.231661258.
Vision: Justice, Peace and Sustainable Development through compassionate actions.
Mission: To work towards maximizing opportunities for the less privileged and Tribal through improved education, livelihood, health care, economic empowerment, capacity building and skill training, environment protection, research and publication, lobby and advocacy, and disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation/protection.
- Love and dignity: We are motivated by the love of God for children and the practical expression of His love and compassion toward humanity. We believe that all human beings have equal worth, no matter where they live or what their circumstances are. We seek to honor the dignity of every person, expressed in the ability to exercise freedom and personal responsibility. Our respect for the dignity of all persons governs our relationships with our supporters/ donors and program beneficiaries, implementing agencies and our staff.
- Compassionate community work: We believe that one’s worth is measured in what we give out to others. We also believe that everyone involved in compassionate community work is a sound investor; be it donors, supporters, intermediaries, implementers, and beneficiaries. Each of them contributes what they have to see transformation in the lives of individuals particularly the marginalized individuals and communities.
- Integrity and accountability: We are committed to the truth. We believe that honesty about our goals, results, successes and failures is essential to careful management of our work in different geographical areas/communities in India. We help track results, report performance, learn from mistakes and advocate for effective practice, even if the truth is uncomfortable or unpopular. Our bias is ensuring that our multiple compassionate community work addresses the various needs of the communities we serve and impacts their lives measurably.
- People’s participation: We believe that the best development programs are working at the centered of the needs of the people. Our team is using their heart, hands and head (HHH) working with the communities at the grassroots, helping them identify the various problems they faced and find the most effective solutions by way of active people participation.
- Networking & linkages: We believe that the poor people need multiple services by various players to come up in life. Hence, we seek the participation, co-operation and support of other like -minded organizations to supplement and complement our work and to produce the most significant changes in their lives and living conditions.
We believe that education is one of the most effective tools to empower the poorest to come up in life. And to enable the poor to come up in life, we need to ensure that their children get equal opportunity to go to school and get the best education which will help develop their potentials and ensure their all-round development.
To address the inequity in education sector in India, we envisaged setting up a chain of dedicated low cost model quality schools among poorest communities/people groups in the poorest districts/blocks and area in inner city slums and remote rural villages across India.
To engage in multiple compassionate community work in order to improve the life and living conditions of the poor parents to help them support their children’s education uninterrupted at least up to the secondary level, the minimum qualification required for formal employment and vocational training in India.
To partner and extend support and cooperation likeminded organizations, Govt. and private agencies, donors, individuals and communities engaged in programs that aim to improve the conditions of the marginalized at the grassroots.
5. What do we do?
Our programs include a range of women and child focus education centered compassionate community development programs aimed at promoting peace and sustainable development to achieve self-reliance for individual, family and communities.
6. Geographical area of operation
Currently SPTWD is working in Delhi - NCR and four North Eastern states namely Assam, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura. In Delhi, The main operational area of SPTWD is in Sri Ram Colony, Khajuri Khas and Amar Colony, Gokalpuri, New Semapuri, Usmanpur and Prem Nagar in North- East Delhi. In Manipur, SPTWD is working in 3 (three) Cluster areas namely - Kangchup & Hengjol area in Khangpokpi District, Singhat and Churachandpur area in Churachandpur District, and Haochong area in Tamenglong District. In Assam, SPTWD is working in 3 (three) clusters among different tribal groups in Barak Valley in upper Assam (Silchar and Dima Hosao area), Karbi – Anglong, and Mishing community in Majuli District. In Tripura, SPTWD is working among Darlong and Jamatia tribal groups in North Tripura. In Nagaland, SPTWD is working among different tribal community in Paren and Gaspani District.
7. The Five Years Strategic Directions for 2018 - 2023
Goal 1: Established 3 residential schools (including the existing ones) in NEI |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
1.1 Run 3 accessible, affordable and quality schools for 1500 students in rural NEI |
1.1.1 Infrastructure development in existing school |
1.1.2 Introduction of identical school uniform, text book and curriculum in existing schools |
1.1.3 Landscaping, site development and develop DPR for residential unit in the existing schools |
1.1.4 Incorporation of independent, creative and innovative teaching and learning in existing schools. |
1.1.5 Development of Manual, Policies and guide book |
1.2 Facilitate hoslistic growth of children and quality education |
1.2.1 Develop guide book for integrated and quality education |
1.2.2 Implementation of integrated and quality education in the existing schools |
1.2.3 Conduct Schools’ assessment and develop school’s development plan |
1.2.4 Annual review of existing school and progress report |
1.2.5 Education of parents/guardians to support children for quality education |
1.2.6 Partnership with like – minded School Proprietors for quality and holistic education |
1.3 Develop 3 Schools’ based Integrated Community Development Programs (ICDP) |
1.3.1 Incorporate one ICDP in and around school every year in the existing school such as, agrofarm, Nutritional Garden, horticulture, livestock farm, vocational skill development, health and hygiene activities, sanitation, income generating activities etc |
1.3.2 Facilitate Children Transformation Centers for school dropout |
1.3.3 Facilitate PE and Sports |
1.3.4 Development of Manuals and guidebooks |
1.3.5 Promotion of Earth Care and Education on Environment |
Goal 2: Promote Food Security in vulnerable and backward districts of NEI |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
2.1 2500 households have sustainable food security |
2.1.1 Mobilization and formation of farmer groups in development block level in districts |
2.1.2 Education, Training and Development of farmers in agriculture and farming technologies |
2.1.3 Formation and registration of Multi – purpose Cooperative Farmers |
2.1.4 Increase accessing government’s schemes and subsidies in agriculture, horticulture |
2.1.5 Linkage and networking with local, state, national and international organizations/agencies |
2.1.6 Encourage individual, group and corporate organic agriculture & farming in 5 districts of NEI. |
2.1.7 Facilitate development and support of organic farmpreneurs in 5 districts of NEI. |
2.1.8 Education, training and support of livestock rearing |
2.1.9 Facilitate supporting and funding of Income Generating Activities. |
Goal 3: Humanitarian Care & Well – being of the most vulnerable and underprivileged woman and children |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
3.1 Empowerment of 2500 women and adolescent girls |
3.1.1 Education, training and development of women and adolescent girl on rights and entitlements |
3.1.2 Conduct sensitization program and camps on health and hygiene for women and adolescent girls |
3.1.3 Training on leadership and entrepreneurship, and skill development |
3.1.4 Health and Hygiene education |
3.1.5 Lifeskills development and livelihood support for widows through MFI |
3.2 Promote normal growth of 2500 children in a congenial environment |
3.2.1 Educate most vulnerable students from schools on Hand washing, child rights and entitlements |
3.2.2 Facilitate provision of shelter and sanitation to poor and most vulnerable families. |
3.2.3 Mainstreaming of school’s drop – out children in schools and homes |
3.2.4 Implement Nutritional Garden for students |
3.2.5 Education of parents on holistic growth of children |
3.3 Relief |
3.3.1 Provide relief to people (in particular women & children) affected by disasters. |
3.3.2 Facilitate Disaster Preparedness and Management to vulnerable communities |
3.3.3 Built disaster resilient shelters for poor families |
3.3.4 Work in partnership with like – minded child development organisation/agencies under agreed MoU and ToR |
3.3.5 Training and education of Students and youth on disaster preparedness amd mitigation |
3.4 Children’s’ Care and Life Enhancement Support |
3.4.1 Parents/Guardians Education on Able and Differently Able Children Care and support |
3.4.2 Parenting knowledge and skills development |
3.4.3 Children’s Protection and Security |
3.4.4 Life –skilled education for children |
3.4.5 Children education on Inter – personal relationship and leadership |
Goal 4: Influence CSOs and schools in Peace building and Justice |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
4.1.1 Educate 10 CSOs on Peace and Justice building for children |
4.1.2 10 CSOs developed their policy and strategies for peace building within and outside |
4.1.3 10 CSOs networks with others in peace initiative and conflict resolution |
4.1.4 Facilitate involvement of CSOs in Peace and Justice |
4.1.5 Work in partnership with like – minded CSO under agreed MoU and ToR |
4.2 10 Schools are actively involved in promotion of Peace and Justice |
4.2.1 Educate 10 School on Peace and Justice building for children |
4.2.2 10 schools developed their policy and strategies for peace initiatives and conflict resolution within and outside |
4.2.3 Facilitation of 10 schools to have Peace & Justice in their curriculum |
4.2.4 10 Schools networks with other schools in peace building and Justice |
4.2.5 Lobby and Advocacy for Peace and Justice |
Goal 5: Influence CSOs, NGOs & CBOs to be actively involved in social justice issues |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
5.1.1 Education of 1000 CSOs leaders on legal aids |
5.1.2 Five major church to have Justice Unit and project |
5.1.3 Justice for the poor, migrant, PLHA affected, victims of rape/trafficking and the exploited ones. |
5.2.4 Facilitation of CSOs to enable their members to access key government’s schemes. |
5.2.5 Fight for control of TB, Malaria, Malnourished children. |
5.2.6 To increase access to government’s schemes and program related to rights and entitlements. |
5.2.7 Education, training and development of 1000 leaders of CSOs, NGOs, CBOs on developmental issues and subjects |
5.2.8 Hold Service Providers accountable |
Goal 6: Increase livelihood opportunity and employment |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
6.1.1 Facilitate establishment of 400 entrepreneurship in Manipur, Nagaland, Assam and Tripura |
6.1.2 Facilitate increase access of government’s schemes, subsidies and loans |
6.1.3 Facilitate employment of 500 youths in organized service sectors through skilled training and vocational centre |
6.1.4 Facilitate development of skills to 500 unemployed bread earners for employment |
6.1.5 Urban Community Development for underprivileged and exploited – Slum Project, NEI Initiatives in selected urban - cosmopolitan cities |
6.1.6 Facilitate placement agencies and recruitment unit |
6.1.7 Run education, training, counselling and personality development Unit |
Goal 7: Sustainable Institutional development of Schools, NGOs, and CSOs |
Key Objectives |
Action Plan |
7.1.1 Provide services to 10 Schools and 10 CSOs for OD. |
7.1.2 Facilitate capacity building and Assessment of 20 Schools in partnership with EDIFY. |
7.1.3 Education, training and development of 50 CSO, NGOs, CBOs on personal and organizational management and leadership know-how. |
7.1.4 Promote networking amongst CSOs and Schools on common issues and concerns. |
7.1.5 Provide thematic guidance and services |
Sl. No: |
Name & Address |
Occupation |
Designation |
1. |
Mr. Mangneo Lhungdim |
Development Professional |
Chairman |
2. |
Ms. Kim Maria Misao |
Development Professional |
Chairperson |
3. |
Mr. Tongkhomang Haokip |
Development Worker |
Secretary/ Managing Director |
4. |
Ms. Levish Leivon |
Social Worker |
Treasurer |
5. |
Rev. Helien Singsit |
Mission Worker |
Member |
6. |
Ms. Lhingneikim Manchong |
Development Professional |
Member |
7. |
Mr. Joshi Tuisum |
Social Worker |
Member |
8. |
Mr. Semkhothong Haokip |
Development Professional |
Ex – Officio Member |
9. |
Dr. Thathang Vaiphei |
Asst. Professor |
Member |
10. |
Col. (Retd) Joy Choudhury |
Ex - Serviceman |
Member |
11. |
Mr. Deo Prakash Gurung |
Development Worker |
Member |
2015 – 2016 |
10212764.00 |
10407916.00 |
Audited |
2016 – 2017 |
6324992.00 |
5281688.00 |
Audited |
2017 – 2018 |
7085151.00 |
6791078.7 |
Yet to be Audited |
10. ASSURED BUDGET FOR FY 2018 - 2019
Year |
Name of the Ongoing Projects |
Main Activities |
2015 - 2016 |
2.1 Formal Primary education and Livelihood (agriculture training) 2.2 Formal Primary education, awareness, capacity building training 2.3 Education of communities on basic Health care and Hygiene |
2016 - 2017 |
2.1 Formal Primary Education, Livelihood, Micro-finance, Health care 2.2 Formal Primary education and Livelihood (agriculture training) 2.3 Formal Primary education, awareness, capacity building training 2.4 Facilitation, Promotion and Educating of farmers on organic farming and nutritional gardening, Environment Care and Management 2.5 Education of communities on basic Health care and Hygiene |
2017 - 2018 |
1.Urban Slum Development Program
2.Rural Development and Education Rebuilding |
2.1 Formal Primary Education, Livelihood, Micro-finance, Health care 2.2 Formal Primary education and Livelihood (agriculture training) 2.3 Formal Primary education, awareness, capacity building training 2.4 School Review and Development 2.5 Farmers organization and promotion for sustainability 2.6 School Proprietors, school leaders and teachers capacity building and trainings 2.7 Facilitation, Promotion and Educating of farmers on organic farming and nutritional gardening, Environment Care and Management 2.8 Education of communities on basic Health care and Hygiene |
Name of the organisation |
Society for Promotion of Tribal Welfare and Development (SPTWD) |
Registered Address |
Pocket-C, Janta Flats, Hastal, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 110 059 Contact person: Mr. Tongkhomang Haokip Mobile No: +91 8011452726/9436700378 E-mail: tongmangh@gmail.com ; sptwd04@gmail.com |
Delhi – NCR Unit Office |
H. No. 521/E-3, Sri Ram Colony, Khajoori Khas, Delhi -110 094 Tel: 011-65100692 Mob. : 9899499895, 9953743391 Contact Person: Mr. Kamboi Misao Email ID: pkmisao@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 |
NER Office and Head Office |
ECA Guwahati MC, Guest House (Near Satgaon PHC), Ganesh Baba Path, Ananda Nagar, P.O. Udayan Vihar, P.S. Satgaon, District: Kamrup Metro, Guwahati – 781171 Contact Person: Mr. Tongkhomang Haokip (Mang) – Managing Director Email ID: tongmangh@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 8011452726/9436700378 |
EPS - Majuli, Assam Unit Office |
Ebion Public School, Jengraimukh, Majuli, District: Majuli, State: Assam – 785105 Website: www.ebionpublicschoolcom.wordprocess.com Contact Person: Mr. Lalboi Khongsai Mobile No: +91 8638740902 |
SPTWD EDIFY NE Manipur Unit Office
H.H. Residence, Haokip Veng, Porompat, Imphal East – 795 005 Contact Person: Mr. Thangboi Haokip Email ID: stmlenhaokip@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 8731870170 |
Tripura Coordinator |
SPTWD - Smai Academy Love Story Bazar, South Maharani Udaipur, Gomati District – 799 013 Contact Person: Mr. Mangneo Email ID: limkhomang@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 8787666639 |
Sikkim Coordinator |
Mr. Smile Gurung Email ID: smylelegai@rediffmail.com Mobile No: +91 9734126703 |
Nagaland State Coordinator |
Joy Email ID: joychow@rediffmail.com Mobile No: +91 8132914730 |
Churachandpur, Manipur Coordinator |
Mr. Janglet Email ID: haokipjkl1970@gmail.com Mobile No: +91 8119940465 |
Chandel and Tengnoupal district, Manipur Coordinator |
Mr. Ricky Haokip Email ID: Ricqypt@rediffmail.com Mobile No: +91 8860823908 |